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LUSTER DIP is an economical way to eliminate electro-polishing or hand finishing of small 300 series stainless parts. NOT AN ELECTRICAL PROCESS. LUSTER DIP is a simple chemical immersion, which imparts a smooth, bright mirror-like finish.


LUSTER DIP is an economical way to eliminate electro-polishing or hand finishing of small 300 series stainless parts. NOT AN ELECTRICAL PROCESS. LUSTER DIP is a simple chemical immersion, which imparts a smooth, bright mirror-like finish. Treatment levels slight scratches and mars. LUSTER DIP allows use of less expensive grades of finishes. May be used as a pretreatment for plating as it leaves an active, smut free surface. A clear acidic liquid with a characteristic odor and no flash point.


Use LUSTER DIP as received. Fill tank to operating level. Heat LUSTER DIP solution to 190 F. Clean parts of oil, grease and soil with detergent or solvent. Descale and deoxidize in OXOUT 536. Rinse. Immerse parts in LUSTER DIP solution until desired brightness is obtained. Rinse in clean water. Always maintain solution-working level with LUSTER DIP. A laboratory evaluation of your particular parts is available and advised. For further information consult your technical representative.

NOTE: A newly made up bath may be sluggish at the start requiring longer periods of immersion. However, after the bath turns emerald green, production time can be established according to initial surface conditions and degree of brightness required. Once the LUSTER DIP solution has spent itself in processing a given number of parts, a fresh solution should be substituted and the procedure repeated again. If a passive surface is required after LUSTER DIP, follow with immersion in CHEMCLEAN 540-L Passivating Solution. Rinse.


The tank and dipping baskets should be acid proof, preferably polypropylene, carbon brick, glass lined or ceramic. No other type should be used. Heating elements may be composed of quartz, titanium, tantalum or karbate. Use with adequate ventilation.


The tank and dipping baskets should be acid proof, preferably polypropylene, carbon brick, glass lined or ceramic. No other type should be used. Heating elements may be composed of quartz, titanium, tantalum or karbate. Use with adequate ventilation.